学生チームが設計した自然の中のスパ「Colobockle Nest」が完成/The Spa in Nature ‘Colobockle Nest’ Designed by Our Team is Completed


昨年4月に行われた第7回LIXIL国際大学建築コンペ「自然の中のスパ」で、本学チームが最優秀賞を獲得しました。このときの提案「Colobockle Nest」は、北海道に伝わるコロボックル(※1)の伝説にちなみ、蕗(ふき)の葉の下にある竪穴住居をイメージした小さな温浴施設です。葉の下で自ら薪を焚き、上にある露天風呂に入って大自然を感じる、環境との共生がコンセプトです。その後、担当学生の手による実施設計と施工監理を経て、北海道大樹町の敷地に本年3月に竣工しました。

  • メンバー(所属・学年は平成29年度):
  • 遠藤由貴、鹿嶋渉、谷口和広、西村宇央、華田健人(人間環境学府修士2年)
  • 指導教員:末廣香織(人間環境学研究院准教授)
  • 実施設計指導:隈研吾建築都市設計事務所
  ※1 アイヌの伝承に登場する小人で、一般的には「蕗の葉の下の人」という意味であると解される



Kyushu University’s student team won the first prize of the 7th LIXIL international Student Architectural Competition “Spa in the Nature” in April 2017.  The proposed work ”Colobockle Nest” is a small bath facility designed in the image of a pit-dwelling under a large butterbur leaf, which is associated with the dwarf folklore of Hokkaido.  The concept is to experience the pure nature in the open-air bath by burning firewood beneath the bathtub to heat up water and by lying down in a comfortable hot water under the leaf-shaped roof.
After the competition, the group of students had worked on detail design and construction supervision on site at Taiki-cho, Hokkaido, toward the completion in March 2018.  The Spa is surrounded by different beautiful views of four seasons such as white snow covering the ground in winter, and bright green grass in summer. The Spa eventually merged with the landscape.
Soaking in the hot bath in a relaxed manner and looking up the sky above in the cosy sheltered space under the leaf, one can enjoy the ultimate feeling of being in the great nature.

Team members:
Yuki Endo, Wataru Kashima
Kazuhiro Taniguchi
Takahisa Nishimura
Kento Hanada
Mitsuki Okumura (Master course
GS Human Environment Studies)
Daiki Azuma, Mei Ootani
Takumi Nohara (Dept. of Architecture, School of Engineering)

Assoc. Prof. Kaoru Suehiro (Faculty of Human Environment Studies)

Detail Design Support:
Kengo Kuma and Associates