都市共生デザイン専攻(平成29年度〜令和2年度 入学生)
授業科目 | |
必修 | |
特別研究 | Master’s Thesis Research |
選択 | |
人間環境学 | Human Environmental Studies |
学際研究論 | Methodology of Inter-Disciplinary Studies |
学際連携研究法 | Method of Interdisciplinary Research |
災害情報管理学特論 | Advanced Theory of Disaster Information Management |
災害情報管理学特論演習 | Seminar in Advanced Theory of Disaster Information Management |
都市共生デザインセミナー | Seminar of Urban Design, Planning and Disaster Management |
海外都市計画特論 | Advanced City Planning in Foreign Countries |
コミュニティ計画学特論 | Advanced Community Planning |
都市設計学特論 | Advanced Urban Design |
景観設計学特論 | Advanced Landscape Design |
環境心理学特論 | Advanced Environmental Psychology |
アメニティ心理学演習 | Seminar in Amenity Psychology |
生涯発達心理学特論 | Advanced Lifelong Developmental Psychology |
都市環境リスク学特論 | Advanced Theory of Urban Environment Risk Systems |
都市環境リスク学特論演習 | Seminar in Advanced Theory of Urban Environment Risk Systems |
持続都市計画学特論 | Advanced Theory of Sustainable Urban Planning |
都市再生デザイン学特論 | Advanced Theory of Urban Renaissance Design |
アーバンデザインセミナー | Urban Design Seminar |
建築インターンシップ | Internship of Architecture |
都市建築コロキウム | Colloquium of Architecture and Urbanism |
授業科目 | |
必修 | |
博士論文指導演習 | Doctoral Thesis Research |
選択 | |
学際研究論 | Methodology of Inter-Disciplinary Studies |
学際連携研究法 | Method of Interdisciplinary Research |
災害情報管理学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Disaster Information Management |
都市計画学講究 | Doctoral Studies in City Planning |
コミュニティ計画学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Community Planning |
都市設計学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Urban Design |
環境心理学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Environmental Psychology |
実践発達心理学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Practice Design and Developmental Psychology |
都市環境リスク学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Urban Environment Risk Systems |
公共空間計画学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Public Space Planning |
地域再生デザイン学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Regional Regeneration Design |
ハビタット工学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Habitat Engineering |
授業科目 | |
必修 | |
特別研究 | Master’s Thesis Research |
選択 | |
人間環境学 | Human Environmental Studies |
学際研究論 | Methodology of Inter-Disciplinary Studies |
学際連携研究法 | Method of Interdisciplinary Research |
建築史学特論 | Advanced Architectural History |
建築意匠特論 | Advanced Architectural Design Theory |
持続居住計画学特論 | Advanced Theory of Sustainable Residential Planning |
建築デザインスタジオ | Advanced Architectural Design Studio |
建築照明学特論 | Advanced Architectural Lighting |
健康建築環境学特論 | Advanced Theory of Healthy Built Environment |
持続建築エネルギー学特論 | Advanced Theory of Sustainable Building Energy Systems |
建築環境学最先端特別講義 | Special Lecture on State-of-the-Art Built Environment |
建築環境学ゼミナールⅠ | Seminar in Architectural Environment Ⅰ |
建築環境学ゼミナールⅡ | Seminar in Architectural Environment Ⅱ |
建築生産学特論 | Advanced Theory of Building Construction |
建築材料学特論 | Advanced Construction Materials |
建築構造力学特論 | Advanced Structural Mechanics |
建築構造設計学特論 | Advanced Theory of Structural Design for Building |
循環建築構造演習 | Seminar in Sustainable Building Structure |
持続型耐震構造学特論 | Advanced Theory of Sustainable Earthquake Resistant Structure |
建築耐震設計演習 | Seminar in Earthquake Resistant Design |
建築インターンシップ | Internship of Architecture |
都市建築コロキウム | Colloquium of Architecture and Urbanism |
授業科目 | |
必修 | |
博士論文指導演習 | Doctoral Thesis Research |
選択 | |
学際研究論 | Methodology of Inter-Disciplinary Studies |
学際連携研究法 | Method of Interdisciplinary Research |
建築意匠論講究 | Doctoral Studies in Architectural Design Theory |
建築史学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Architectural History |
建築照明学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Architectural Lighting |
建築生産学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Building Construction |
建築材料学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Construction Materials |
建築構造力学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Structural Mechanics |
健康建築環境学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Healthy Built Environment |
持続建築エネルギー学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Sustainable Building Energy Systems |
循環建築構造学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Sustainable Building Structure |
持続型耐震構造学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Sustainable Earthquake Resistant Structure |
持続居住計画学講究 | Doctoral Studies in Sustainable Residential Planning |
- 下記に示す対象科目の中から必修とする3科目10単位を含む14単位以上を修得し、修了すること。
授業科目 | |
必修 | |
Theory of Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism | |
Workshop of Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism | |
Sustainable Design Camp | |
選択 | |
都市設計学特論 | Advanced Urban Design |
都市環境リスク学特論 | Advanced Theory of Urban Environment Risk Systems |
持続都市計画学特論 | Advanced Theory of Sustainable Urban Planning |
都市再生デザイン学特論 | Advanced Theory of Urban Renaissance Design |
持続居住計画学特論 | Advanced Theory of Sustainable Residential Planning |
健康建築環境学特論 | Advanced Theory of Healthy Built Environment |
持続建築エネルギー学特論 | Advanced Theory of Sustainable Building Energy Systems |
建築構造設計学特論 | Advanced Theory of Structural Design for Building |
循環建築構造演習 | Seminar in Sustainable Building Structure |
持続型耐震構造学特論 | Advanced Theory of Sustainable Earthquake Resistant Structure |
都市建築コロキウム | Colloquium of Architecture and Urbanism |
Advanced Theory of Habitat Design | |
Advanced Theory of Habitat Analisis | |
International Practice |
International Courses in Architecture and Urban Systems 持続都市建築システム国際コース(平成29年度入学生)
Master Course
Subjects |
Compulsory |
Master Thesis Research |
Elective |
Theory of Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism |
Workshop of Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism |
Advanced Theory of Habitat Design |
Advanced Theory of Habitat Analisis |
Sustainable Design Camp |
Architecrure and Urban Design |
International Practice |
Doctoral Course
Subjects |
Compulsory |
Doctoral Thesis Research |
Elective |
Doctoral Studies in Habitat Engineering |
Doctoral Studies in Community Planning |
Doctoral Studies in Environmental Psychology |
Doctoral Studies in City Planning |
Doctoral Studies in Disaster Information Management |
Doctoral Studies in Urban Design |
Doctoral Studies in Urban Environment Risk Systems |
Doctotal Studies in Sustainable Residential Planning |
Doctoral Studies in Healthy Built Environment |
Doctoral Studies in Sustainable Building Energy Systems |
Doctoral Studies in Sustainale Earthquake Resistant Structure |
Doctoral Studies in Sustainable Building Structure |
Doctoral Studies in Architectural History |
Doctoral Studies in Architectural Design Theory |
Doctoral Studies in Architectural Lighting |
Doctoral Studies in Building Construction |
Doctoral Studies in Construction Materials |
Doctoral Studies in Structural Mechanics |
Doctoral Studies in Practice Design and Developmental Psychology |
Doctoral Studies in Public Space Planning |
Doctoral Studies in Regional Regeneration Design |