持続型耐震構造学研究室(Sustainable Earthquake Resistant Structure)-松尾准教授


After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the importance of continued use and early restoration of damaged buildings has been reconfirmed, and research subjects of building structure have been expanded to various fields. Our laboratory is mainly conducting research on connections of steel structure and concrete filled steel tubular (CFT) structure. Although it is natural to pursue mechanical rationality, superiority in construction efficiency, economic efficiency, sustainability etc. is also required at the same time. We are positioning the development of better connections that can satisfy such various conditions or the development of more rational design method of existing connections as the center of research theme.
On the other hand, since various high-strength materials have been developed in recent years, higher strength tends to be required for members/connections. Therefore, we are also working on developing countermeasures based on the existing established joining technology (welding/high-strength bolts) and developing new technologies not limited to existing joining technologies.
The members of our laboratory in this fiscal year are a total of 12 people, including 1 first year doctoral course student, 5 second year master’s course students, 3 first year master’s course students and 3 fourth year undergraduate students, and we are working on structural experiments and analysis every day. The attached photographs show the structural experiments conducted from the end of last year to the beginning of the year.


<主要な研究テーマ:Main Research Topic>
  • 各種柱梁接合部を対象とした性能評価および耐震設計法の開発
  • 超高強度鋼の普及を目指した鋼構造建築物に関する研究
  • 鋼構造システムの合理化に関する研究
  • Development of performance evaluation and seismic design method for various types of beam-to-column connection
  • Study on steel or CFT structure utilizing super high strength steel.
  • Study on rationalization of steel structure system.