都市計画学研究室(Urban Planning)-趙教授・箕浦助教
4. 都市機能の再編に伴う医療施設の配置計画のあり方に関する研究
Urban planning is a technique to create an urban space as a place for human life with a feasible plan focusing on safety, comfort, and aesthetics. We, this Architecture with Urban Planning Laboratory, offer advanced studies, conducting empirical research with a theoretical and fundamental basis. Furthermore, we provide diverse projects of urban planning to develop human resources that enhance the acquisition of basic understanding and skills as well as problem-solving ability and encourage students to be informed with internal and international circumstances with diversified perspectives and policies in conjunction with an intercultural competency. The recently focused research themes are as follows:
1.Features of pedestrian spatial continuity in European urban morphology
Pedestrian spatial continuity is characterized for the literalization of a shopping area and the migration of shoppers, and contribute to the comfort of daily life. The present study evaluates the continuity of space, imposing a task to explore this issue: what the continuity of the space is, and how we should have an understanding. We integrate urban morphology and pedestrian space targeting typical Western cities.
2.Reproduction of the viewpoint field, the location of the painter’s point of view, in urban landscape paintings
Concerning the formation of the urban landscape, the viewpoint field, where people see beautiful scenery, is a remarkably important factor. The present study developed a method to identify the viewpoint field in landscape paintings of a notable Italian artist active during the 18th and 19th centuries as materials for study, employing a camera calibration technique. This approach is used to estimate accurately the viewpoint field, using accompanying information and data from a painting or a map, via the interpretation of three relations among a viewpoint place, the painting, and the real view.
3.Examination on the alternation of modern developed cities in the Western countries, employing image recognition technology
The technology of image recognition is applied in diverse fields. Along with the development of information technology, opportunities of dealing with image data are increasingly provided in the urban architecture field. Therefore, the present study performs a pioneering project with image recognition in a quantitative and qualitative research to elucidate the alternation of modern cities using only image information from a map.
4.How site planning of medical institutions should be for the redevelopment of urban functions
With the implementation of the community-based integrated care systems and the town development cooperation agreement, the social demand has increased for a structural shift, where the community as a whole can support citizen life. It is required to correct disparities in community-based healthcare in an ageing society with fewer children. Clarifying the supply and demand balance in the community, we must comprehend the tendency of healthcare facility distribution with location and relocation from the perspective with efficacy and efficiency. Considering the reallocation of resources in community healthcare, we provide pragmatic expertise for the location planning of healthcare facilities and the adjustment of medical policy to address an imbalance of healthcare allocation.
5.Urban histories of Japan and other Asian countries
Focusing on cities in the modern transition period in Japan and other countries, we elucidate historical interpretation of space and society from the perspectives of land, territory, possession, religion, and industry. Not merely organizing changes of urban forms, we unravel space as dynamic phases, which is created by the dynamic conditions of the society with diversified human activities. With collaborative partners in the town administrations, town-development institutions and community residents, these findings contribute to the development of the community and their public appreciation of existing historical and cultural heritages.
<主要な研究テーマ:Main Research Topic>
4. 都市機能の再編に伴う医療施設の配置計画のあり方に関する研究
- Features of pedestrian spatial continuity in European urban morphology
- Reproduction of the viewpoint field, the location of the painter’s point of view, in urban landscape paintings
- Examination on the alternation of modern developed cities in the Western countries, employing image recognition technology
- How site planning of medical institutions should be for urban redevelopment
- Urban histories of Japan and other Asian countries